Monday, May 4, 2009

2 weeks and counting...

Well, as of today there is officially 2 weeks to go until my due date. I am so happy to have made it this far, though now I am ready for the baby to come! I really don't mind being pregnant. I am blessed to not have too many aches and pains, and when they come they are more like sharp twinges that go away quickly rather than constant aches. So I am just excited to meet my new little one and find out if it is a boy or girl. Trever is working on the crib for the new baby, but I have a feeling the baby will arrive before its completion. Oh well though, it can sleep in the bassinet for a few weeks without any harm. Trever is very busy with school and work and watching Ayana so I can get a little sleep here and there, so it's hard to find the time for the crib. After the baby is born though I will be home for about a month, so I can watch Ayana in the evenings while he build away!

Ayana seems to have decided that talking is fun, and she now says Uh Oh, and when she plays peek a boo she says "Where'd she go" and then "here she is" after she moves her hands. She says Da for Dad, but still no Mommy, oh well she'll say it when she's good and ready. She is starting a program called toddler lab next week. It is a program on campus to give the early childhood education majors real life experience. She will go for about 2 and a 1/2 hours a week and get to play with other toddlers and such. It seems like it will be more learning through play then formal teaching, but I think it will be really good for her. We met with the student assigned to her and the goal she is going to work on with Ayana is talking more. I am hoping that being around other kids that are talking will inspire her.

We took Ayana down to our local nature park yesterday to feed the ducks. I was worried that they might scare her, but it was quite the opposite. She didn't want to throw the popcorn to them, she wanted to walk right up and have them eat it out of her hand, but of course they just ran away from her. All in all she seemed to enjoy it. She loves animals, she will chase birds around the yard, and sit and watch bugs for as long as Mom and Dad will let her. She did get pretty traumatized when Trever picked up the earth worm she was watching and moved it to the grass. She was very upset that she couldn't watch it move across the sidewalk anymore.

So all in all life is grand here in the Stewart household. Trever is finding his courses a little more challenging this semester, but enjoyable. We are a very happy, and blessed family!

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