Saturday, October 17, 2009


So I am so pleased with myself because I recently undertook my first attempt at reupholstery and I think it was a success! Nothing terribly difficult, and I am sure that many of you could have done a better job, but it makes me feel so accomplished, here are some pics

They used to have off white cushions and while they were nice when we first got them 4 years ago they were definitely showing wear and tear, especially from our crazy 2 year old. Reupholstering them almost makes me feel like I have whole new chairs!

While I am at it, here are some pictures of a bow holder I made for all Ayana's hair bows a couple months ago. Again, it was super easy but I think it turned out really cute and it is so nice to have them organized and all in the same place. My current project is a Minkee quilt for Asher (first attempt at machine quilting-wish me luck) then on to his Christmas Stocking!


  1. Way to go Amber!! Super Cute! Too bad you don't live closer,..I would love a project buddy!

  2. They look great! I opted for all wood chairs bacause I was afraid of kids messing up the cushions, but my behind sings a different tune and I often find myself eyeballing the ones you can buy and tie on! You did a great job!!

  3. Very cute crafts! I wish I could make my chairs cute like that!
