Friday, May 21, 2010

Asher is 1!

So,our little man is growing up, on Tuesday he turned one! He is such a joy to have in our family. His favorite things at the moment are standing up (still holding on though), filling and emptying containers, and anything involving him getting attention from Mommy, Ayana, or Daddy. He finally decided it was okay to crawl on his hands and knees, but still army crawls when he wants to get somewhere fast. He will walk with help and is beginning to cruise along the furniture, but I think it will be a little while before he really walks. No words yet, so maybe he will be a late talker like Ayana, we'll see. He is definitely a Momma's boy, he prefers Mom to anyone else, but will settle for Dad when he has to. I am sure that if Ayana was able to carry him around he would like her best though, he always wants to be where she is and do what she is doing. He is a very happy little boy quick to smile for his family, but a little shy around strangers. He loves to eat cheerios and kix and just about anything else he can get his hands on. He is still my little snatcher who will grab a hold of anything and everything, even when you are sure it is out of his reach. He is a wonderful addition to our family and we feel so blessed to have him!

Here are his one year old stats:
weight: 21 lbs (20th percentile)
height: 28 inches (3rd percentile)
5 teeth
The cutest little smile ever seen!
Asher's first picture
Asher at 5 months
Asher at 10 months
Asher as a One Year Old!


  1. Awww, he's so cute!! Happy Birthday Asher! Sounds like his personality is a lot like Tayven's too. Boys are so much fun!

  2. Well, I finally found out where on my computer, I can respond to your wonderful messages. I accidently clicked on the right hand corner of the message AND WELL-A, there it was. I hope I don't die before I figure it all out. NO, I'm not sick....just SLOW to grasp this high world.I really hate that I miss so much of your lives, but I sincerely appreciate that YOU keep me informed. G-pa was thrilled & surprised with his card. Hope Trever's Father's day was great. the PICTURES are GREAT. Love G-ma AKA Great G-ma Mickie
